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The information made available by Shams Hotels & Resorts on its websites are subject to constant supervision and regular updating. It is nevertheless possible, despite thorough checking, that information has meanwhile changed. For this reason, the Shams Hotels & Resorts gives no guarantee of, nor accepts liability for the accuracy, completeness or topicality of the information given on the sites.
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The website maybe contains links to websites of other suppliers. Shams Hotels & Resorts has no control over their form and content and therefore accepts no liability for the correctness, topicality, completeness and quality of the information made available there. The user must address any issues he/she has in connection with a certain website, directly to the respective provider.
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The website is only for the user’s personal use.
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- i) Access to the Shams Hotels & Resorts website must be through the homepage only. Written permission from Shams Hotels & Resorts is required before accessing other pages of the website.
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All rights reserved. The content and structure of the Shams Hotels & Resorts website is subject to regulations for the protection of intellectual property. Any propagation or alteration of the contents of these pages is not permitted, in addition to which they are not to be copied, nor made available to third parties. The user is granted no rights, nor licenses for the use of the trademark Shams Hotels & Resorts.

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